Monday, April 25, 2011

8 Months

Here we are at another month!! Your little personality is really starting to shine through. You are very social and love people. Sometimes you will be a little shy at first and lay your head on mom’s shoulder but a few seconds later you’ll perk up and be full of smiles and squeals, showing off for everyone around. Removing your socks has become a new favorite past time as is screeching very loudly and high pitched. You love love love to be standing or jumping in your jumperoo (see screeching loudly).
This month we’ve played around with your foods a lot. Since you refused purees for quite awhile we’ve done mostly finger foods. You quickly learned how to feed yourself and are now quite proficient at it. Eventually you started eating off a spoon and we’ve added some purees into your diet to allow our meal time to go a little quicker. You fit right into the family and seem to love all foods, although peas are definitely your favorite. I hope this continues as you get older.
Just to show that you aren’t always all smiles and fun… (yes there are other sides to that adorable personality!)
You either didn’t grow much this month or we messed up measuring you last time.
Weight: 18 lbs 52% (down half a lb!)
Height: 26.5-27 inches 52% (you were very wiggly)

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