Friday, June 1, 2012

Memorial Day BBQ #9

Hard to believe this was our 9th year of the Memorial Day bbqs. With all of the kids we had 19 in attendance this year. Crazy how fast everyone's families are growing. Cran & Brent hosted it at their [semi] new home in Woodbury. The afternoon was filled with fun chaos as we all switched between chasing after kids and chatting with the adults. The guys got a few rounds of bocce ball and golf in and the weather could not have been better! 

Jill & Ariana

Kristen (feeding Molly) & Cari

Justin & Brent sampling the appetizers

Sienna ate her way through the afternoon. Abbie watched.

Mikayla & I

Greg played super dad and pulled a wagon of 4 kids plus Ariana on his shoulders around the yard. 

Getting 6 kids (including a new walker) to look at a camera is impossible.

Dinner was a delish chicken, steak, shrimp, & veggie kabobs.
John, Greg, Cran, & Jeff

It was so great to catch up with everyone. Can't wait for year #10!

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