You turned 4 months on Christmas Eve. You were such a joy to everyone this Christmas and we feel so lucky to have you as our baby. I think your favorite time of day is when you sleep. You must take after your dad with this trait. You need to get your 10 hours of sleep in every night. We know we are incredibly lucky that you have inherited this trait and count our blessings all the time. (I'm knocking on wood!!)
This month you have fully mastered putting anything and everything in our mouth. You can reach and grab for just about any object - including mom's glass of OJ which we both ended up wearing. You have much improved at tummy time but it's definitely not your favorite. You were rolling over from tummy to back for a few days but have recently stopped. I guess that is old news now. We are working on sitting up and you can do it pretty well with lots of props.
We got the official measurements from the doc this month. You haven't changed a lot since 3 months.
Height 24.5 inches - 61%
Weight 14 lbs 8 oz - 71%