Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bad Deer!

I was so excited with my garden after seeing yesterday's crop. Today Justin went out to pick the rest of the cherry tomatoes for our lunch and came back empty handed with bad news. He thinks deer have gotten into the garden. They ate the tops off all of my precious edamame plants and sucked off all the ripe tomatoes. I'm crushed!!! I don't know what to do now. Any advice? Will the edamame grow back? Is it too late to try and replant? So disappointing... And how do I stop them from coming back!?

My chewed off plants.


Kristie said...

I gasped. This is terrible! Stupid stupid deer.

Aaron Mathison said...

I think Justin knows how to stop them :) 30-06 shell or shot-gun slug to the chest should do it :) Sorry to hear about your garden.