Saturday, January 19, 2013

2 1/2 years


2.5 years old. You continue to amaze me as what you can do and understand at such a young age. It's probably always like this but I will never stop being in awe. You have the biggest heart and show your love for everyone. Your favorite expression right now is sincerely telling people, "You're so nice." Or if we are talking about someone you will say, "He/She is so nice." You are starting to grasp the concepts of right/wrong and good/bad. You know if someone is not nice, then they are mean. You also know that hate and stupid are bad words which we don't say - and remind your Daddy about it every time he does. :)

You are still all about being a big girl. If I forget and call you my baby you set me straight saying, "No Mommy! I'm a big gee-aaalll" (that's a southern accent you picked up somewhere) You are wearing pull-ups pretty much full time now at home and underwear at daycare which makes you so proud. We are still a ways away from really getting potty training, but it's a definite start.

In addition to being a sweetheart you are also so smart. Daddy taught you right vs left and you picked it up right away. He's also been working on reading your clock to you. Every morning you wake up so excited to read the time. You also have your Mommy's love for puzzles and with help, love putting together the 24 piece ones. Your memory is also amazing. Gone are the days when we could tell you something to appease you for the moment. If we say it, you hold us to it!

The girly girl in you is coming out as you love combing hair, pretend putting on lipstick, getting dressed up in your princess clothes, and putting on all the jewelry. You get very excited when you get to wear a dress and have to be bribed to wear jeans. Dance class and going swimming with Daddy are 2 of your favorite activities. You talk about dance class all week long and will show anyone your dance or the moves that you have learned. One day at the pool you decided on your own it was time to start wearing the floatys. You walked right up to the bin, told Daddy you wanted to wear them, and marched into the water to start swimming.

Helping Mommy & Daddy bake or cook makes you so happy. Whenever we are in the kitchen you run in and want to sit on the stools and help or watch.

You are becoming such an independent girl. Pretty soon you will be a big sister and I can't wait to see you take on that role too. We love you so much Sienna!

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