Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day

Justin chose to spend Father's Day by taking the kids to Minnehaha Falls and having a picnic. Sienna has been asking for a couple weeks if she can go to a waterfall. In reality, she meant a water park, but we took her literally and went for the water fall. That morning before we headed up, we showed her a picture of a waterfall and explained where we were going. After a thoughtful pause, Sienna asked, "Can we go to the other waterfall? With Mallory and Kayla?" Justin and I had to laugh and we told her we'd do that one another time. 

Top view of the falls.

Kensi's view.


Daddy and his girls.

Mommy and the girls.

Sienna's classic silly face to make Kensi giggle or stop crying.

Sienna by the falls. Her and I walked down while Justin and Kensi stayed up relaxing on the blanket.

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