7:40 - Wake up! Sienna slept in today which was great since I was out late the night before.

8:30 – We took [probably] our last trip to the Farmers Market for the season. Let’s be real here, we didn’t actually buy anything at the market. I was wanting a doughnut and coffee so I used the market as an excuse to stop at my favorite bakery.

9:30 - Skyping with Papa, who’s in FL

10:30 – Off to Lifetime for me while Justin works on tearing down the deck. Sweated it out with Bita, our day care provider. My usual class was canceled for a special Cardio Jam session which sampled a few of their classes. I have to say, I was not into the workout today but I sweated and hopefully burned off my doughnut.

11:40 – Sienna wakes up from her nap. She took a really long morning nap so now the schedule I had in my head for the day is completely gone.

12:30 – Lunch time. I am finally showered and can be in a picture.

1:50 – Sienna and I at Burnsville mall. She was NOT having the sales lady who was helping me in the dressing room. I wasn’t sure how successful this shopping trip was going to be, but once we left Vicki’s she was better.

2:30 – Last stop; DSW. I love these boots but they didn’t have them in my size. Hoping to find them online or at another location.

3:30 – Rewarding myself for getting my vacuuming done and enjoying Project Runway/Internet time (whose has time to do just 1 thing?) until Sienna wakes from her nap.

4:40 – Sienna is finally up after another long nap. Enjoying a snack and figuring out what to do with the rest of the day. We decided it’s too cold for the little one to hit up Septembeer Fest at the neighbors up the street so we’ll be staying in.

5:30 – One more outing for the day. A quick trip to Cub for groceries with the 3 of us. I’m starting to get tired of all the running around.

7:00 - After dinner play time. Sienna was emptying the toy box.

8:00 – Baby’s in bed. Time for a stay at home date night!!

9:30 – No pic but I was to Googleing “Croup”. Sienna kept coughing in her crib and it was very barky. The long naps and unusually cranky baby for no reason is starting to add up.
10:30 – Bedtime and weary of a potentially long night if Sienna keeps getting worse. (Note: the humidifier seems to have done the trick and she slept great. Still no other symptoms but the cough when she sleeps)
Busy day but very typical for a weekend. Seems like we are always running around and trying to fit everything in. If you liked this post give it a try on your blog! It was pretty fun, even though Justin was rolling his eyes after the 2nd photo of the day.
I liked the post :) Looks like the grocery cart cover we never tried was passed onto you. Hopefully it will protect her from the germs that lead to croup! Oh...and we're experts on that one. First time croup experience was when Emilia was 5 months. We ended up at the ER. She has had it at least a dozen times in her life...but only the first time did we need to go to the ER. I'm sure you've read all the tricks...humidifier, steamy bathroom, very cold air outside and nebulizer all help. You just don't want to see any retractions showing that they are really struggling to breath. It's just a terrible, scary sound to hear that cough. Hope she's on the mend!
Interesting idea for a post, especially for someone with a kid. Gives those of us without a peek at our future weekends.
One question, why is Justin tearing down the deck? Adding on again?
I love the cart cover. Also saves me from those germs. Plus it cozy and warmer than metal. Sickness is not fun...She seems to be doing fine still.
The deck was collapsing due to some water issues we should've taken care of before we built the deck. Plus it was too small and I hated the material so he's tearing it down and putting up a new one. I was going to post on that. Thanks for reminding me. :)
You guys should do a day in a life of your own! It's fun to see what others are up to.
This was fun! I might need to do one of these...
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