Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Meet Puppy

I think it's time to introduce the world to Puppy. He's a rescue dog and has become Sienna's best friend. He goes everywhere with her. We can't even go upstairs without getting halfway up and hearing the panic that Puppy got left.

Ever since Sienna was little, Justin and I have tried to encourage a lovely for her. First we tried with Ted the teddy bear. He would get a few hugs but was nothing more than a crib buddy. Then she started bringing Lady the dog into her crib, but again there was no spark. At Christmas she got her little Elmo and Big Bird animals that she carried around, gave many hugs and kisses, and had to bring to bed. I thought this might be it. Until 2 weeks ago.

Puppy used to be Justin's from some work event. After sitting in a box for a few years, it was decided he needed to find a new home so he was put in the donation pile. A few days later, our ever-attention-seeking dog Conner rummage through the pile and pulled out a few things, including Puppy. Sienna grabbed him off the floor, named him Puppy, and they have been inseparable ever since.

They eat together.

Go to daycare together.

Get hugs from Daddy together.

I think Puppy is THE one. It seems to be more than just a phase. Now wish me luck finding a backup Puppy. His white fur is already stained and turning grey and his tag says surface clean only. No good.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Throw him in the wash! Maybe put him in a lingerie bag to be safe. I'm sure he'll be fine. We washed Emilia's BFF at least a dozen times and he always came out just fine..a little brighter and less stinky.