Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It's been a busy past couple of weeks and I haven't gotten a chance to blog any of it. Baby is taking the blame on this one. I have been tired, very tired. Struggling to stay awake past 9 tired. Lets hope it's a temporary growth spurt. This is almost as bad as the first trimester! Here's what's been going on.

1. My Mom retired!! A big congrats to her and I'm very excited to see her start this next chapter of her life. It's been a little over a week and she's already asked to take Sienna for a day of play time. It's great that they can spend that time together. Sienna came home fully sugared and so excited about the fun day she had.

2. Conner had his 9th birthday. We haven't had a chance to get his doggy sundae at Lake Harriet yet, but it's on the to do list in the next week or 2.

3. Sienna started a countdown for her birthday. This girl has been asking about her birthday for 2 months. We finally had to start a countdown calendar so she could visualize when it was. We hung it on the fridge right at her eye level. Now whenever she walks over there she starts shouting, "My birthday!!!" and points to the Minnie Mouse sticker representing her day. One day I caught her hugging the fridge saying, "I love my birthday"

3. I have said good bye to pizza and spaghetti. For some reason those foods are making me sick. At first I was blaming the tomato sauce, so I thought I would try a white sauced pizza. Unfortunately it had the same effect. I have no idea what it could be, but it's not worth eating them to figure it out. Lets hope the list of foods I can't eat doesn't get any longer. And also that this isn't signs of baby food allergies. I am already so scared of that.

4. I enrolled Sienna in dance classes. It's a half hour every week Mommy & Me class but they still get to be in the recital! Can't wait to see that. Last week we went to the studio to check it out and register. She was in awe of all the mirrors and kept running to look at each one. She was sad when we had to leave and she didn't actually get to dance. We've been reading this book about a girl who gets a tutu and wears it everywhere. All Sienna will talk about is how she's a ballerina, is going to go to dance class, and wants to wear her tutu everywhere. I can't wait!

So that's our highlights plus many other fun events and hopefully soon I'll get some of the pictures up. Big #2 birthday this weekend! What happened to my little baby??

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