Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Santa & Cousins

Justin's family came up the other weekend and we thought going to visit Santa would be a good outing for the kids (mostly to get us out of the house). Izzy immediately started crying as soon as she got in line saying she didn't want to see Santa, Sami didn't even want to get in the line, and Sienna was the only one excited to go talk to him. She kept saying how she was going to tell him she wanted a Barbie, like Maddie (her daycare buddy). I had a feeling she'd change her tune when we got up there and sure enough this is what happened.

She got really shy when she went up to him. Justin said she still answered a few of his questions, got to tell him about the Barbie, and when we put her on his lap it was full out bawling. As soon as the pictures were snapped, she was taken off and was all about Santa again. Saying good-bye and you could see how proud she was she talked to him. Although if you ask her about it now, she'll tell you she sat on his lap and cried.

Izzy on the other hand did great and chatted with him for awhile. She had no problem posing for the camera. Baby D was chill too and Sami clung to Mom. All in all a success?

We celebrated Christmas that weekend too. The kids opened their presents. It's funny to see how different their opening styles are. Izzy and Sami ripped through everything quickly - before Sienna had even gotten to her second present. She was too busy playing with the first one to worry about opening others. 

Ever since we went to Disney World, Sienna has been really into princesses. One of her presents she got was the princess dress up set. Sunday morning all of the girls put on their favorite princess outfit.

Another fun weekend with the in-laws. Unfortunately it was cut short due to the big snow storm. Everyone packed up quickly to try and beat it back. 

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