Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I was thinking we were all adjusting well to having Kensi around. She's been sleeping great, so Justin and I are feeling good. Sienna is always so sweet to her, wanting to give her kisses and very proud of being a big sister. I even thought she was starting to be a little less clingy to me...until Bita called me up and had to share a story.

Sienna was acting sad at daycare, so Bita asked her what was wrong. Sienna answered very sadly, "My Mommy is so busy and doesn't have any time to cut and paint my toes and fingers." Bita had a hard time not busting out laughing. Instead she consoled her and asked if she could cut and paint her toes. We both had a good laugh at her amazing articulation! I can't believe she was able to express that or even think it. Over the weekend we had talked about painting her toes but never got around to it. She didn't bring it up again so I didn't think it was an issue. It of course broke my heart too and I was sure to try and give her extra attention that night. Plus I made a big fuss about her pretty toes and even cut her finger nails. :) Hope she's not too traumatized. Mental note to follow through on the promises I make her!

On another note here's me and my 2 girls. I am already finding it impossible to get a decent one where we all look at the camera. Time to learn more Photoshoping techniques!

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