Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2 Months

2 months already, although I'd say you look and act at least like a 3 month old. So advanced for your age. ;) You are still sleeping great and giving us a consistent 8-10 hours a night. I am sure hoping that continues when I have to go back to work! You have really become a Mama's girl. I am the only one who can always calm you down. Every time you see me there are instant big smiles and coos even if you were just crying. You are really finding your voice and are making the sweetest sounds. And your huge gummy open mouth grins are heart melting. I caught a bunch of them on camera this time but when you smile you also close one eye and move your whole head. It made for a lot of blurry pictures. Cute but blurry.

Your head control is getting better and you actually don't mind your tummy time. I put you in the Bumbo a couple times a day and you've been getting stronger with keeping yourself upright in it.

During the past month you have become a bit more particular about what/who you want and will let everyone know about it until we figure out what it is. You have your peak fussiness at night. I think we are over the hump and it's getting better. You are definitely resembling your Dad more and more and you've grown so much! You were around the 90% for both height and weight this time. We are transitioning into 3-6 month clothes already.

Official measurements:
Height: 24 inches
Weight: 12 lbs 13 oz

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