Wednesday, July 24, 2013

6 Months

You are becoming so fun and interactive with us. I love hearing your chatter (sort of screaming but it's really the only way to be heard with your sister around) and seeing your big smiles. You've hit some big milestones this month. Right after you turned 5 months you started rolling over from back to tummy. Unfortunately, you've forgotten how to go back and get stuck often. This is really only an issue in your crib because you don't like to sleep on your tummy either - still loving the side sleeping (so darn cute). Most of the time you are quite content to be playing and spinning around on your tummy. You have also really improved in your sitting skills. You are very close to being stable. I would guess in the next couple weeks you will have it down.

Current favorites

  • Any time your sister pays attention to you, you are full of smiles. You especially love it when she sings.
  • Mommy!! Still a big Mama's girl. We're working on making you like other people...
  • Guacamole is your favorite food. You must love garlic like your Nana.
  • Dancing, jiggling, flying in the air. You love moving!
  • Tickles and kisses from Daddy always get big giggles out of you.

My tall and lean girl. I had to check Sienna's stats when she was a baby and you are currently as tall as she was when she was 1 year old! We got the Dr's official measurements.
Height: 28 inches (99%)
Weight: 16 lbs 13 ozs (70%)
Head: 17.8 inches (98%)

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