Friday, July 5, 2013

My Dancing Queen

Before picture day.

I always dreamed of having a little girl who loved dance as much as I did. When I enrolled you in class last fall, I was hoping I wasn't pushing you into my passion. Lucky for me you seem to love it more than I could have ever imagined. Last week you had your first recital. I can't even tell you how proud I was of you when you got on that stage. Everyday since, you have asked when we can do it again and when you can go back to dance class. You felt so beautiful in your Belle dress and clearly loved it!

As we made the long walk from the dressing room to the stage, you walked on your tip-toes the whole time, holding your dress out like a princess. When we stood backstage watching the other girls dance before yours, you were in awe and kept [a little too loudly] exclaiming how beautiful they were. I had no idea how you would be on stage. When it was your turn, you went without hesitation and did your dance so well. Near the end of the dance you turned to me and asked "Where's Daddy?!?" Luckily, I was able to refocus you and finish the dance. After, we met up with Nana, Grandpa, Daddy, Grammy, Kristie, Mallory and Mikayla. Everyone was so proud of you!

The night was complete with hitting up Cherry Berry.

They only allowed recording on rehearsal night. Unfortunately the sound wasn't working yet in the theater, so the music is hard to hear. At once point you yelled out to the audience, "Daddy take a picture of me!" You can't really hear it, but will hear the audience laugh after. Crank up your speakers!

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