Sunday, August 25, 2013

7 Months

My busy, busy sweet, smiley girl. You've had a big month and accomplished a lot! I see my little baby fleeing before my eyes. You fully mastered sitting on your own, started saying Dada and Baba, and are getting super close to crawling. You are skipping the army crawl and are going straight for the real thing. Right now you get up on your knees and rock back and forth but haven't quite figured out how to move forward. I have a feeling you are going to be fast once you start. Time to really baby proof! 

Ready to go - so close!

You are really loving foods and prefer real solids to the purees. We still haven't found anything you like better than guacamole. You've tried almost all the fruits and vegetables and have now started on dairy. You loved yogurt but are not so sure about cottage cheese. 

You finally love your tummy sleeping as much as side sleeping. You also love having your arms or shirt/dress cuddled up around your face. I think when you find a lovey, it'll be all snuggled around your head. A few of your other favorites - playing peek-a-boo, listening to anyone sing, and anything Sienna is playing with.

Such long legs!

I actually got a couple cute ones of them both!!!

I didn't measure thing month. You are still long but feel like you are gaining more weight too. Maybe your weight will catch up to your height. 

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