Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Follow up

I've had a couple people ask me what a pudgy pie maker is, so here's a pic of it. Technically, I think it's called a pie iron. Makes wonderful sandwiches/pies!! A must have for all camping trips. Just ask the others I went with. They fell in love too.

I also forgot to give you my review of the aerobed. It was def the best air mattress I've tried. It stayed inflated all weekend and was pretty comfortable as far as air mattresses go. Worth the price!

One more thing. Today was the first day I finally used my bowl for breakfast instead of the Styrofoam cup. Worked out well, so now I gotta try and stick with it. Yeah for going greener!!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

I LOVE pudgie pies too! Definitely one of my favorite parts of summer and camp fires!