Monday, May 19, 2008

Going Green

About a month ago I realized that I use a ridiculous amount of plastic silverware and Styrofoam cups at work. An average day I'd use 2-4 pieces of silverware and 1 cup. That may not seem like a ton, but if you add that up for 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month, etc. It gets to be a lot. Everyone been talking about "going green" so I though I should do my part too. I went out and bought 2 sets of silverware and brought in a bowl. I have to admit I have yet to use my bowl and am still using the Styrofoam cup, but I've been very diligent about the silverware. The other night as I was washing my silverware I started to think about all the water I am wasting doing this...and then about how many paper towels it takes me to dry everything. Am I really helping the environment more or just wasting different things now? I reasoned that plastic must be worse than Styrofoam and using too much water. Right?? I guess no one is perfect!

On another note, I have to give a shout out to my baby cousin who graduated from River Falls over the weekend! Way to go Cassie!!!! Seems like just yesterday you were chasing me around with barbies. Oh how time flies.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

So, I heard you started a blog and I will totally be your follower ;)

I still use the plasticware, but put the used pieces in a cup in the corner of my desk. At the end of the week, I take it all home and put it in the dishwasher. That's the stuff I bring back to work Monday morning.

...just a thought!
