Half a year has gone by so fast and it's been so fun to see how much you have changed. Every new development seems to happen overnight. One day you are sitting in the Boppy falling over and the next day you can hold yourself perfectly steady. You love being able to sit up, play with your toys, and see a new perspective of the world. You also have a new found love of your tummy. No, still not during tummy time but when you sleep. As soon as you mastered rolling over you started to do it in your crib and haven't stopped since. I, of course, was quite nervous the first few nights you slept that way. But you were fine, as everyone said you would be, and have started sleeping so much better because of it. You have also found your thumb and use it to sooth yourself. It's not all the time but it's definitely becoming more frequent.
Sitting all on your own!
We are still waiting on your teeth. Babhita is convinced they will be coming soon but Dr. Judi said she thought it was going to be awhile. You continue to chomp down on anything within grabbing reach.
You are already just like your Mom and have to be around people at all times. Whenever Dad or I walk away from you, you start to whine or cry. I can imagine as soon as you figure out crawling we will have a little follower.
Another first for this month - trying foods.
6 Month Stats
Weight: 16 lbs 15 oz 69%
Height: 25.5 inches 40% (not much change since 5 months!)
Head: 17 inches 71%