Sunday, March 27, 2011

7 months

Another month has passed. Besides having a big growth spurt (1 inch and 1.5 pounds!!), you haven't changed a whole lot. You've been continuing to work on rolling all around and making high pitched squeals. You had your first ear infection this month. After taking penicillin, you decided that you don't want to eat anything off a spoon in case it's the same yucky stuff. Even if you love the taste of the food, as soon as that spoon gets near your lips you clamp your mouth tightly shut. Instead we've been experimenting with some solids. You love the flavors and textures but just aren't sure how to get them in your mouth. However, it's very fun to smash them all over your tray. Conner found his new spot and plants himself at your feet whenever meal time comes along.

Unofficial Measurements
Weight: 18.5 lbs (77%)
Height: 26.5 inches (55%)

Zoey is becoming your pal and always lays on your blanket as you play.

Full of smiles.

Lots of squeals.


Aaron Mathison said...

Love that the pets are getting involved in Sienna's upbringing...

Just an idea... instead of printing a sheet of paper each month to put in her monthly pic, maybe add the month text to the photo via Paint/Photoshop/etc?

Just trying to get with the green movement :) You can delete this comment once you get it if you want...

Kristen said...

hehe you are over estimating my photoshop skills. :) JK, I'm sure I can figure it out. I should try that and see how it looks!