Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Parties

Holidays can never be just one day in my family. We like to have many celebrations and Halloween was no exception this year. Sienna's daycare kicked the festivities off last Friday.

Getting 7 kids to look at the camera - not an easy task. Also that's a hockey stick Sienna is holding. Apparent she wouldn't put it down all day. I hope that's not a sign of the sport she'll someday want to play.
Mason, Owen, Luke, Eli, Gabbie
Sienna, Maddie

Saturday the parties continued at Nana's house. Ariana and Sienna dressed up for the grandparents. 
That night we carved pumpkins. I wasn't too sure what Sienna would think of the slimy pumpkin guts but she dug right in. It was just as much fun to put the seeds back in the pumpkin as taking them out. She also tried tasting them, walking in them, and removing them from the bottoms of her feet. Needless to say we had pumpkin guts all over the kitchen once she was done.

Sunday we continued our tradition of having the Eids and Moehrings over for a little Halloween party. We welcome a new addition to the group - Molly!! 

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