Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Burnsville Fountains

I don't know if it's because we have a fish for a toddler or if it's from this summer being so hot, but seems like every activity we do revolves around water. Couple weekends ago we hit up the Burnsville Fountains. It's been on my bucket list for awhile. They didn't disappoint. Sienna had a great time splashing in the fountains and maybe an ever better time when the ice cream man showed up. I am such a sucker for frozen treats in the summer and nothing screams childhood more to me than the ice cream man. How could I resist? This child might get a little spoiled when it comes to things like that.

Splashing in the fountains

She's been wanting one of us to do everything with her lately

Waiting in line for the ice cream man

Enjoying our treats. Preggers couldn't resist getting one too.

The push up was a hit

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