Sunday, March 22, 2009

An experiment

Justin and I had so much fun with our garden last year that this year we've decided to expand it and start a 2nd one. We also thought it would be fun to try and make our own plants from seeds instead of buying all the premade plants. Justin was deemed our expert since he had to take Ag in high school - which I have to say floored me because I swear that wasn't even offered at Woodbury more or less having it be a required class. Anyways we did a little bit of research and went out to get what was needed. Seed + water + warmth + sun = plant. It didn't seem like it'd be too hard.

This small project has started to go a little over board. Justin bought just about every type of veggie pack in the store. Then we decided if we're going to do veggies, we might as well try to do our flowers too! Last weekend we started out planting half of our veggies and all of the herbs and flowers. We filled 2 flats with seeds, wanting to see how they took off before planting the 3rd flat with the rest of the veggies.

One of the flats.

All of the veggies packets.

Now I know the instructions said to only put 2 or 3 seeds put cell, but some of those seeds were so darn tiny it just didn't seem possible that 2 or 3 would create a plant. In those cases it was decided that sprinkling the whole bunch of seeds in the cell would be a good idea. Less than a week later we have 10-15 little plants popping out of 1 cell. OOPS! Guess following the instructions would've been smart. That's why this is all an experiment. :)

You can see the multiple plants on the back flat and in one of the rows on the front one.

Also, a lot of the packets didn't mention starting the plant indoors but we decided that you should be able to start anything inside. Our squash got so big that it already had to be replanted...I have a feeling we might get a lot of this coming up. Once again maybe should listened to the packet. :)

If anyone has done this sort of thing at home I would gladly take advice. Clearly I have no idea what I'm doing and am flying by the seat of my pants. It's so fun though! Hopefully we'll get enough plants to make it all worth while. If this does work we bought all of our veggies and flowers for the price of 2 large tomato plants. What a deal!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

How exciting! Between you and Kristie - I'm inspired!