Friday, May 8, 2009


Well I bit the bullet and joined Twitter. I'm still not sure about this whole thing but I'm already starting to get addicted. :) My biggest issues are the site can be REALLY slow and I get impatient with it quickly. Also, their search engine sucks. You can't search for your friends, or at least I haven't found a way how to. If anyone knows please fill me in. It is fun to see the updates. I think once I get more used to it I'll like it a lot! If you are on it let me know your page so I can follow you!


Anonymous said...

follow me!

Crystal said...

You should really use an application like will change your life on Twitter. I have multiple accounts, so I use Twirl, which is also good. Both apps are fast and you can easily see who's replied to you/messaged you, etc.