Friday, June 26, 2009

Father Daughter Night

Cari and I took Ron to Canterbury Downs to watch some horse racing as our Father's Day event. None of us had ever been before, so it was a fun first time for all. Ron was the only one betting money but Cari and I helped him with the picks. Overall I think we only lost $4. Not bad for a night of racing. The last race Ron really wanted to pick a long shot, so I chose a horse for him. The horse shot out from the gate giving her a good head start. She had the lead until the final turn when another horse came from behind. They were neck and neck until the other horse pulled it out by a nose whisker at the end. I was bummed but a tiny bit excited at least she came close. So much for big winnings.

Cari, Ron & and the sun

Couple horses before a race

One of the race detail sheets


Aaron Mathison said...

You live in Shakopee and have never been to Canterbury? You're not missing much, I like watching the races, but I NEVER win any money...

Kristie said...

Fun night for you guys! Next time you should check the angle of the sun before lining up your subjects for a photo shoot. :) It sorta hurts my eyes to look at that pic.