Friday, October 2, 2009

The Handy Man

Extreme Makeover Home Edition is coming to St. Paul today. Last week they posted online that they were looking for volunteers. It said they usually get way more people than needed and there's a change you might not get a shift. They also made it seem like if you do get a shift, it'd only be one. Seeing as Justin is unemployed and bored he took a long shot and applied. Today they emailed him back and he got in! Not only did get in but he's there Mon-Fri from 8-12. How sweet is that!?! I'll have to post when it's on tv so everyone can watch for him.


Kristie said...

I would pay money to see Justin standing behind Ty yelling "MOVE THAT BUS!" :)

wildprinces-75 said...

I was headed up to David's Bridal to meet Nat today and I saw a vehicle with all kinds of extreme makover stickers on it saying they were coming to town again. That is so cool! Can't wait to see it.