Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 Years

2 years old!!! How did you get to be so big? Now that you are 2 everything is about being a big girl. Being a big girl means doing things by yourself or at least trying. Of course that also means some big girl tantrums and stubbornness. But even more it means big girl cuteness. You are still so sweet and loving to everyone and you constantly make us laugh or smile.

Coloring is your all time favorite thing to do. You prefer markers, but will take crayons if that's that only thing around. We gave you an easel for you birthday and that's pretty much all you play with now. If you aren't coloring you're usually playing with your kitchen, cooking up some food. You also love anything with Minnie Mouse. You've started to play with your dolls a little more. I overheard you talking to your Baby Stella the other day. You was asking her what was wrong and if you could kiss it. You take your owies a bit to the extreme. If anyone (especially Conner) even brushes up again you, you'll run over and say you got an owie and want ____ to kiss it.

More of your imagination is coming in. Somewhere you picked up that monsters are going to get you. You like to talk about if they are in the room, if we scared them away, or if they are going to get us. Conner has proven to scare them all away so we keep him close by.

Next week you start your dance classes are you are sooooo excited. You love to talk about going to dance class and being a ballerina, even though you don't really want to put on your tights, leotard and ballet shoes. I am hoping we'll get through all that with minimal tears. :)

Your communication skills are definitely your strength. The Dr. even said you are talking at a 2.5 - 3 year old level. It's been great for us because you can tell us your needs and what is wrong. We feel very spoiled to be able to communicate with you so easily this early. My favorite word that you say is "Uey" for Zoey. You also have the cutest expressions. My favorites: "Oh my goodness!" "Conner's Crazy!!" (when he's running laps around the living room) "Oopsie Daisy!" "You love me?"

Your teeth are still coming in very slowly. You still need your bottom eye teeth and all 4 of your 2 year molars. I would guess those won't come in for another 6 months. I am so looking forward to the days of teething being done!

We also got your official measurements. Still staying on the smaller side expect for that head. No wonder those shirts are so hard to get on.

Height: 33 inches (27%)
Weight: 25 lbs 13 oz (38%)
Head: 19.5 inches (92%)

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