Monday, September 24, 2012

Picking Apples at Nana & Grandpas

Can't beat free apples, so when my mom offered to have us over to pick off their tree, we jumped on it. The tree was packed with bunches of apples. I was surprised by the amount after the wacky weather we've had this season. 

Mom & Ron's backyard - heading to the apple trees.

Sienna helps with the picking.

And filling her own bucket.

After a few minutes of hand picking and contemplating a ladder, Justin got his truck and parked it right underneath the tree. It was much more efficient to stand on it and quickly fill our buckets with apples. We cleaned the tree in no time.

The buckets of apples after picking.

We didn't take home all the apples but filled up a few grocery bags. These apples aren't great for eating, but awesome for baking. So far we've made a big batch of apple sauce that maybe used a quarter of the apples. If you have good apple recipes send them my way!

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