Sunday, July 27, 2008


The Eids and Moehrings came over Friday night and the evening ended with a round of boys against girls Pictonary. We picked our favorites and decided that my fellow blog readers should get to play too! So who wants to play?? See if you can guess what the following pictures are - post in the comments and I will give the answers in a couple days. Good Luck!!!





5. My personal favorite.

Unfortunaly the boys won in the end. John's comment after the victory, "It's not who you play, it's how you play them and right now weeeeeee're HOT!!!" I think that says it all.


Kristie said...

Picking my self off the floor from laughing....what a great night! No guessing for me, but I can't wait to hear everyone's responses.

Abbie said...

Here are my answers:
1. Penis? I'm sorry to be the dirty one..!
2. A mountain.
3. A mountain with some rivers on the side...hehe. I am stumped by this one.
4. Rapunzel, that girl with long hair.
5. A circus.

Anne said...

1. Rocket or witches finger
2. Mountain climber
3. Road Signs or posts
4. Wedding day gitters - leading to messing his pants
5. Trapeze artist with a coconut covered spotter - who needs to be careful she doesn't slip on the banana peels below her.

(Haha - oops - I commented on the wrong post! Monday Morning!)

Kristie said...

All I have to say is HAHAHAHA...this should be a regular monday morning post!