Friday, February 20, 2009

Birthday Week Begins

In honor of my Birthday Week(s) almost starting I got a new background. I love Birthday Week!!!!


Sarah said...

You have got to help me figure out why the computer settings at work don't let me see important blogger backgrounds. What settings do I have to change? I can see them at home but not here...oh great...I can't see the visual verification word I'm supposed to type to display this comment...grrrrrrr. I'm going to try and refresh...

Kristie said...

You are too funny. I don't remember you being so into your birthday when we were growing up... hmmm How is that as you have gotten older you have gotten more excited about your birthdays?? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

wildprinces-75 said...

Awesome!! I hope you have a great Birthday Week!! said...

I am excited for your b-day week!