Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This is getting ridiculous...

I have a confession to make...I am a TV junkie. I get so excited for all of my shows to return and to see my favorite characters. This year I have run into a dilemma. Between the new shows last fall, the shows aired during the writers strike and all of my old favorites I have too many to watch! This is pretty embarrassing but Justin and I had to make a spreadsheet of all of our shows so we know what to record on each tivo - yes we have 2 and there are some nights when all 4 recordings will be in use. We did come up with a really good idea that since there aren't any shows for most of the summer we would tivo ones we like now and save them until then. But for the rest I think I might have to give some up. How do I choose? I've watch Grey's and Desperate Housewives since they started so I feel like I'm too committed to that relationship to give it up. Then there's the Biggest Loser which I just LOVE. So do I really need to watch Dirty Sexy Money AND Lipstick Jungle too? How could I give up seeing Robert Buckley every week and his hot affair??

And then there's NCIS and Criminal Minds which I feel slightly stimulate my mind, at least more than all that other trash. And everyone at work talks about The Office so I need to watch that. Then there's Amazing Race which I swore off after last season but am getting tempted to try it again. This is starting to stress me out. I think I need to cancel my Netflix. And then get a life. :)


Aaron Mathison said...

How about get a hobby ;)

Anne said...

Oh My K!!! Maybe you should just free yourslef and cut free from it all:) hahah

Abbie said...

Hehe. This is TOO funny! But I'm secretly REALLY excited for TV to come back too!

Kristie said...

I say get rid of the "writer strike" shows. You need to watch Grey's and Loser so I have someone to talk to those shows about. I love the idea of Tivo-ing and watching in the summer...or on a rainy day :) Or call in sick to work day...

Crystal said...

Wow - that's a lot of TV. I say quit it all cold turkey. Well, except Lipstick Jungle because that affair is HOT! Plus, the clothes on the ladies are so eye catching.

Kristen said...

see everyone has a different opinion of what i should watch and I love talking tv so i need to watch it all. ;)

Crystal said...

I say watch it all! But speaking as someone who doesn't have TIVO, I can only watch one show at a time an its ok b/c most shows are online if I really want to see them!

Anonymous said...

I will let you in on a little secret - go to and you can watch some of them on your computer for weeks after the original episode airs. Plus they cut out all the commercials.